Thursday, May 28, 2015

Armchair BEA [Day 2]: Social Media

Armchair BEA

Back again, SUPER LATE POST, but I was at school and didn't see this didn't post in time @_@ Yesterday I introduced myself and today's topic is social media, which I most definitely use!Here is the actual question:

How do you use social media to expand your blogging/writing horizons? Social Media is all about networking and connections, and utilizing today's technology to the fullest. Make sure you mention your own social media pages. Do you have another blog, maybe a Tumblr? Have a Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook? Or maybe there's an underrated social media program that you like.

I was never on any social media platforms when I started because I rarely used my own personal facebook at the time. Then I got some great advice from Vicky @ Novel Publicity, when she was there, back in 2012! She gave some great advice, such as the importance of social media. If you're not out there spreading the word you have a new post up, no one is going to know about it, hence they won't come to your blog. You have to get the word out somehow. Social Media helps me do just that :) Enough babbling, lets answer the questions.

I promote on all the regular social media places like twitter, facebook, instagram, and (the one bloggers don't always use) the google + page. But one HUGE thing that many bloggers don't use and is readily available to them, is the sharing bar at the end of there posts! Here below:

Honestly I use the stuffing out of those buttons and always promote my posts on my social media sites through that. Another thing I do besides promoting on the typical social media sites is my google page. I know it might not be the typical social media site (if it is one at all) but IT REALLY DOES WORK. People click on it and view my posts. So yeah I think thats all i have in me for today. I could go on and on.

Since todays topic was about social media, you can follow me through the places below, just click the buttons!


1 comment:

  1. If you chose to work with the Social Media packet for the synthesis essay, please complete the application activities on this blog.


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