Sunday, February 21, 2016

4th Blogoversary...Hi there

WOW, it's the 4th anniversary of my blog. I can't believe that back in 2012 I decided to enter the crazy online world. So much has changed since then. I've changed so much in that time. I feel it's time to get to my second love, writing. I have been neglecting this blog too much and I feel like I lost myself, hence the wandering part in the blog title.

I thought about changing my blog name several times after my 1st blogoversary and changing what this blog was about. Of course i still want to share my ideas on books, but I also want to chronicle my life, lay down some feelings, and generally let myself have a place online I can let it all go. So I finally decided to make Read-A-holicZ into Wandering Bookaholis. (O.0)

The name is a combo of many things. The Wandering part because I love to travel, take pictures, and write. The Bookaholis, comes from my Instagram name, which after learning about #bookstagram, I wanted to keep and connect to this blog. So I won't be posting about books 100% of the time, just about 80%.

I am also making a new place to share more fangirliness with you all. Some back story though, I created a monthly book subscription box, around 7 months ago, called LOVINGLY BOOKISH. It was stressful and crazy! I loved doing it though, and seeing all the happy comments people shared. I unfortunately had to close it down about a month ago. My health had deteriorated SO MUCH. I was continually fatigued, had 2 major surgeries, and I was overall sick.

It's been a month now and I'm feeling better, not great but better. I'm going to come back this year and have this blog be more about me. This coming week, I will be sharing some awesome news with you all and I hope you will join me in celebrating 4 YEARS OF BLOGGING! So in the meantime, you can enjoy this awesome video of K-Pop stars pronouncing Western names :)

until next time, stay bookish - xoxo lizzy


  1. COngrats on the 4th blogoversary :)
    I didn't know you were sick, I'm glad you are better and I hope you don't get sicker
    Ruty @Reading…Dreaming

    1. Thanks Ruty!! I hope I can keep on blogging and fangirling for a very long time :) Much <3

  2. happy blogoversary
    i hope you will recover fully without anymore problem
    take care!

    1. I hope I can get better soon without any more complications too, thanks for stopping by and commenting Miki, much <3

  3. Happy 4th blogoversary! Love your blog :)

  4. Congrats on your blogoversary.


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