Monday, January 21, 2019

making my comeback

Hey there! It's been so long since I've connected with you all through blogger and I'm slowly re-learning all the code I haven't used in so long. I haven't been off the grid exactly but I have tried to get my life back together. I kept posting on Instagram for a while after I stopped posting on here. Then I stopped posting on that platform too. Again I was doing it for the followers and not because I truly enjoyed it.

I have picked up a lot of new skills since my time on this blog and I'm hoping to share it with you all. I'm going to be re-starting my blog but the focus will no longer be books, instead it will be more focused on my life, my designs, and my travels. Really just a place where I can show off my work and all the things I love.

As of writing this I have no "official" job. For the past four years I have been a secretary/personal assistant in a law office. I loved having a steady job but unfortunately I hated working with a careless and toxic environment. While working there I also realized I have a lot of skills and knowledge people would pay for. I've never been one to back down from a challenge and even though no one wants to be unemployed, I see it as a blessing. With the time I'll have I'll be able to concentrate on what I truly love and not just work to get by. As well as rebuilding my mental and physical health that I completely ignored. I have a lot of passions and interests but as we all know life can suck the energy right out of us and I never really had time for all the things I loved.

I used to design blogs for free back in the day. I was terrible at designing but I still did as much as I could with my limited skills to help other bloggers. Through the trust and opportunities others gave me, I met so many amazing people and blogs that helped me grow my skills immensely. I'm thankful to them for giving me the opportunity because thanks to them, I started a tiny design business called Razzled Star Designs. I closed it down in 2014 because I started working full time but I missed it. I haven't stopped designing sites, I've actually re-branded this blog multiple times in the last 3 years with the intent of re-starting it but work kept getting in my way.

Hopefully this is my last re-branding for this blog. I'm going to be providing you all with tips I've learned from blogging so far. I'm no expert but I know that any great tips are helpful when blogging. I'm also setting up an official business to provide my design services. ALSO I am not going to do giveaways like I used to, instead I am going to pick a comment every month from all my posts here on the blog and on my Instagram, so follow me, and give people some personalized blog/Instagram/Twitter/YouTube/Facebook reviews & tips to improve.

So don't be shy! Drop me a comment, I would love to hear your thoughts on my re-design, the new name, or even a simple hi! And if you can spread the word that I'm back. I hope you all join me on this new journey life has put on for me. See in the next one!

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